Monday, June 11


everyday i am a little different from what i was the day before. being in this room and on this computer and typing into this blog, i feel the need to be THIS girl. the person i always am at home. on the outside i am the same except for the extra pounds, but on the inside is the overwhelming newness of this year still sinking in. everything's still so new that i remember new student week down to the words i spoke and the feelings i felt. i remember feeling insecure yet confident, scared yet brave. i remember going to chicago for the first time. getting lost in evanston. staying up really late for no reason. playing and singing songs with lizhou and jenn in the practice room. organizing a dance party for jenn's birthday. rocking the beach. buying sang a hairdryer. attending harvest for the first time. first orgo lecture. first orgo midterm. moonlight cruise. first sunrise. dave's first visit. stupid math aleks things. masquerade ball. the gingerbread house. secret santa. megabus rides. painting the rock. first real life. navy pier with jenn. aspects of love. sargent for lunch. tuesdays with michaela. meeting sonbinh orgo girls. study dates with tania. evanston trips with lizhou. valentine's day at ethels. almost dying in the car with jenn and katie. women's retreat. celebrasia. kite-flying. late-night ramen with lizhou and frank. the april fools prank. umich harvest visiting. playing basketball at night with frank. winning powder puff football. sigma thing. shepard formal. norbucks. room cleaning parties. relay for life. maggie and steph visiting. the yearbook. feeding ducks. shopping in chicago with jenn. core with albert. last orgo lecture. dave's second visit. packing.
at this point i' m sick of recalling all these memories. i really should journal more consistently next year...


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6/26/2007 1:19 AM  

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