Monday, July 27

another problem i have with media

I've decided today, after watching Catch and Release, that I don't enjoy romantic movies that involve cheating, especially when the movie attempts to justify it. Is it bad that I like to watch movies that take me away from reality? Cheating in movies makes me suspicious of every character and I find it very hard to sympathize with a cheating protagonist. I really did not enjoy The Last Kiss. I know it wasn't supposed to be a fairytale romance but the ending (hot wife forgives ugly husband who cheated on her with a college girl) left me discontent. It seems like cheating is more prevalent in society than I imagined, seeing how so many movies and shows incorporate it. But I dislike that media almost condone it. I guess that's just what my expectations for movies are. If I'm watching a romantic movie, I want it to inspire feelings of longing and love that's unconditional and pure. But then again, I think my idea of love is still naive. I can go for a sappy chick flick or kdrama anyday.


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