summer of seth
of nailpolish
of smelly candles
of long brown hair
of scooter tricks
of threadless
of fancy perfumes
of McDreamy
of CVS makeup
of mod, mod-er, and (yea right...) mod-est
of cute electronics
of regained faith
of GlamourFashionInStyleCosmopolitianLookAtTheClothesIWillNeverBuyOrWear
of summer body and no somebody
of girldom and womanhood
and that is my ongoing list of my new obsessions by which i will forever remember this summer.
sadly seth will never tire of summer, so i shall look forward to the fall of ankle boots and beautiful evanston, of textbooks and friends, of education and freedom. i can't wait to again chase time and consume it as it comes, afraid it might melt like edy's ice cream, then regret the brainfreeze.
wake me up when september ends.
yea. i made it ages ago,
but recently decided to actually use it. :D
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