my body's a wonderland?
now that i've been sick with the flu for a couple days, i realize that i normally take breathing for granted. what used to be effortless, consistent, confident exchanges of carbon dioxide for oxygen have become short uncomfortable gasps for air interrupted by sporadic coughing which occurs when i dare to breathe too deeply (my nose has obviously become a clogged up snot machine that no longer serves for ventilation).
so i learned the lesson (because w/o some life lesson gained this week of suffering would be good for naught) that i take my health for granted and i mistreat my body. the flu's just the body's way of petitioning for respect. i'm a biology major, for chrissake. of all people i should be able to appreciate the beautiful mechanisms of the human body. the fact that breathing is second nature, that i have acute senses of taste, smell, sight, touch, and hearing, that i can walk up to tech without body sores... my body is an extraordinary machine! i shouldn't need to do pilates to be aware of my body. i am attached to it 24/7 whether i want to be or not. bottom line is being sick makes you appreciate so many little things that you take granted for normally, like desserts. which is why i don't understand why people would trash their bodies with alcohol or drugs. what glory is there in self-destruction? at least i don't have lung cancer knocking on my door.
the purple layout is done except for the annoying space between the image and the body that i can't seem to get rid of.
i think the layout is fine =)
layout is beautiful...aside from the fact that the text appears at the very, very edge of my's almost like my left border of my laptop is cutting it off..but i don't think it is.
how are you? =)
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