home is weird for me
being sucked back into my old life, old self, "real," original self once in a while is weird.
when i'm together with the old girlfriends, god, all the rants, secrets, and confessions that i've bottled up all quarter, i leave none of them behind. the mutual vulnerability makes me feel so at home. when i talk to maggie i can just go on for hours. i say goodbye feeling so ... understood. maybe i've made more fun or exciting friendships in college but it's the ones at home that feel so real to me. they're like warm chocolate chip cookies for the soul.
being around the family makes me vulnerable in a different way. suddenly being so active in the family again, especially during a time of important changes, burdens me with responsibility. even with my brother i'm relearning the patience and love a big sister in my position must have. no one tests my patience better than my family.
home alway equals a quarterly reality check for me. especially with 2008 right around the corner, i really gotta reflect and make resolutions.