fur real?!
I'm not the kinda blogger that reviews and critiques other sites (though I would like to do more of it whenever I'm inspired), but I was really disappointed by what I found on Peta.org today. I know very little about the organization but I don't believe in animal cruelty and could have easily been sold to their message if I wasn't so taken aback by their campaign method. PETA seems to think it's hip to do their own rendition of "worst dressed (and most cruel) celebrity" which is not a horrible thing for a fashion magazine but just seems really tactless and cheap for a animal-right organization...considering how they attack the celebrities for more than just wearing fur. Attacking the Olsen twins for being bulimic? Is that even funny?! Cheap tabloids sell on this, but a respectable organization, seriously now? Neither is it effective. This whole reverse-fashion-plug, pointing fingers at celebrities wearing fur, barely dents the celebrities reputations (though I don't think it's tactful for PETA to do that in the first place) and hardly pushes forward PETA's message. The only thing it does is fuel the anger of the existing animal rights activists.
And what about the other campaign, celebrities and playboy models pose nude to support the cause? Cover your kids' eyes, because animal rights movement has gone rated R. I understand that the statement is "I would rather be naked than wear fur" but playboy models would rather be naked than wear a lot of things. So to counter the fur-wearing trend, PETA wants people to go nude? Call me conservative, but I'm more concerned about the prevalence of sex in media. Just seems like an organization advocating moral treatment of animals should be more tactful and less desperate. As you can tell, I am quite irked by bad publicity. There are so many different ways to raise awareness for a cause, whoever is in charge of public relations needs to think about the campaign in consideration of the bigger media and the possible subliminal messages. Subliminal messaging is the secret but powerful weapon of media. A non-profit, activist organization needs to avoid wrong, cheap, untactful media that could tarnish their image and add to other societal problems.